James Alison Theology
Der Dreh- und Angelpunkt der Entdeckung oder: wie die „schwule Sache“ für die katholische Kirche eine gute Nachricht ist
The Fulcrum of Discovery or: how the “gay thing” is good news for the Catholic Church
Exploring the New Testament clobber texts
Brokeheart Mountain: Eine Betrachtung des Monotheismus, der Idolatrie und des Himmelsreichs
Brokeheart Mountain: Reflections on monotheism, idolatry and the Kingdom
O amor homossexual. Um olhar teológico-pastoral
What sorts of difference does René Girard make to how we read the Bible?
The Priestly pattern of Creation and a fraudulent reading of St Paul: a Catholic reads some Pauline texts in the light of Mimetic Theory
The pain and the endgame: reflections on a whimper
A Oração: Um Estudo de Caso em Antropologia Mimética
Gebet: eine Fallstudie in mimetischer Anthropologie
Prayer: A case study in mimetic anthropology
“Ser ‘gay’ é como ser canhoto”
Pismo mladom gay katoliku
Brief an einen jungen schwulen Katholiken
Carta a un joven católico gay
Letter to a young gay Catholic
Advent and Christmas lectionary meditations
Love your enemy: within a divided self
“He opened up to them everything in the Scriptures concerning himself” (Lk 24, 27b): How can we recover Christological and Ecclesial habits of Catholic Bible Reading?
Cristo como intérprete de la Biblia: “Y les interpretó en todas las Escrituras lo referente a Él” (Lucas 24,27b)
Los cambios de tono en la voz de Dios
Strong protagonism and weak presence: the changes in tone of the voice of God
De la imposibilidad a la responsabilidad: apuntes para una pastoral católica gay
Stand up & be godless: on receiving the gift
Holy Week Sermons
God and desire
How do we talk about the Spirit?
Finding a narrative
The shape of daring imagination: coming out and coming home
Navigating uncharted waters: the gift of faith and growing up LGBT
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