James Alison Theology
Human sexuality… or ecclesial discourse?
“Але ж Біблія кажа…”: каталіцкае разуменне Рымлянаў 1
“But the Bible says…”? A Catholic reading of Romans 1
“Maar de Bijbel zegt…”? Een katholieke interpretatie van Romeinen 1
Anbetung in einer gewalttätigen Welt
Worship in a violent world
Following the still small voice: experience, truth and argument as lived by Catholics around the gay issue
Honesty as challenge, honesty as gift: what way forward for gay and lesbian Catholics?
Yes, but is it true…?
Kontemplation und Monotheismus: Die Unverzichtbarkeit der Irrelevanz
Contemplación y monoteísmo: Lo imprescindible de la irrelevancia
Contemplation and monotheism: on the indispensability of irrelevance
On receiving an inheritance: confessions of a former marginaholic
Ecclesiology and indifference: challenges for gay and lesbian ministry
Разняволіць сумленне гея
Loslösen des Schwulen Bewusstseins
Unbinding the gay conscience
Contemplation in a world of violence: insights from René Girard and Thomas Merton
Faith Beyond Resentment: Introduction
Looking backwards for Christmas
The Good Shepherd
Teologia fra pietre e rovine
Шлепая по берегу в Ниневию…
Памыляцца і быць збаўленым: пра каталіцкае разуменне няскончанай гісторыі нашага збаўлення
Being saved and being wrong
spluttering up the beach to Nineveh . . .
Girard’s breakthrough
О слепом от рождения и трансформации греха
Justification by faith
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