James Alison Theology
Towards global inclusion of LGBT people within Catholic communities: a new theological approach
Interview for the Sunday Nights radio programme
Renewing the Tradition
Sermon for the Fifth Sunday of Lent
Monotheism and idolatry: preface to a conversation
Um pequeno erro no começo torna-se muito maior ao final: rumos da discussão eclesial sobre a questão gay
Non siamo noi a inventare il sacri cio, è il sacri cio che ha inventato noi: per sbrogliare il pensiero di Girard
We didn’t invent sacrifice, sacrifice invented us: unpacking Girard’s insight
Вера без горечи: фрагменты о католичестве и гомосексуальности
Exploring the new paradigm: Girard and the Christianity of the 21st century
Entrevista con Religión Digital
Lent 2013 Lectionary meditations
About desire, victimhood and René Girard
Girard y las grietas del sentido chatarra: el paciente aliento de un pensamiento apocalíptico
Playing for Keeps
Uma fé para além do ressentimento
Le persone omosessuali nella Chiesa cattolica
Theology as survival
Sexuality, dialogue, and the Church
La cuestión gay: una buena noticia para la Iglesia católica
Conversation with a gay priest
The Portal and the half-way house: spacious imagination and aristocratic belonging
Girard and the analogy of desire
Sexuality, certainty and salvation
On being Catholic and gay, René Girard and penal substitution
“Like being dragged through a bush backwards”: hints of the shape of conversion’s adventure
Carta a um jovem homossexual
Жизнь в последние времена. Иной взгляд на эсхатологию
Sermon at the House of Mercy
From impossibility to responsibility: developing new narratives for gay catholic living
Einige Gedanken zur Sühne und Versöhnung
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