James Alison Theology
Welcome to my world… (notes on the reception of a bombshell)
Los textos “paliza” y las personas gay: dudas más que razonables
From the outside in
Creation fulfilled and the Book of Revelation: some questions about order, disorder and the “apocalyptic” genre
Interdividuals, individuals and fragmented selves: how can mimetic theory help us understand “huiothesia*”?
Scapegoat: how civilisation harms and how the Cross heals
Nomad podcast
Eucharist: the mystery of the daring Creator
We’re in for a rough ride
Penser la foi chrétienne après René Girard
Violence: how it forms us and how we can be self-critical about it
“My sheep hear my voice and I know them”: reflections on language, tone, and teaching in the space between Magister and Magisterium
One in Christ: why do LGBTQI people feel excluded by the Churches?
Christ Crucified: the power of God and the wisdom of God
Scapegoating, violence and the theology of the Cross
Reading Scripture and the LGBT question
¡Sólo se sorprende quien no haya leído el evangelio! La presencia normal de lo “queer” como desarrollo orgánico de la revelación cristiana
“Dios tiene como costumbre escoger lo inadecuado para darle chispa a sus obras”
The role of the Church in encouraging a greater sense of community
Beyond us and them: the practice of faith in a post-election America
Oracles, prophets, and dwellers in silence: hints of the “pati divina” in the theology that is being birthed
Постижение Иисуса. Доступное введение в христологию
Failure and perfection
James Alison on René Girard
Love in a changing climate
Taking Cinderella to the ball: how a mimetic anthropology restores the theological virtue of hope
Cinderela vai ao baile
Biography and interview on the LGBT Religious Archives Network website
Not peace but a sword
Traversing hostility: the sine qua non of any Christian talk about Atonement
Verso una globale inclusione delle persone LGBT nelle comunità cattoliche: un nuovo approccio teologico
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