James Alison Theology
Homilies (Year C)
No More Special Pleading: How Opening Up to LGBTQ+ Reality Flows Organically from Basic Christianity
En quoi le christianisme est-il bon pour moi, pour la société, pour la planète ?
Forthcoming event: No More Special Pleading. Openness to LGBT people and their issues is basic to Christianity
Homilies (Year B)
Spirit, Witness, and Learning: Fiducia Supplicans and the LGBT endgame in the Catholic Church Spirit, Witness, and Learning:
Catholicity, Sacrifice, and Shame: Subverting Polarization in Our Contemporary Ecclesial and Political Cultures
LGBT, the Church and the new rules of the game
“Sodomy” and “Homosexuality” Are Not Biblical Sins
What is scapegoating? Why Gay Catholic priest James Alison spent years learning why people target minorities
Homilies (Year A)
What does radical inclusion really mean for a modern synodal Church
Why do we scapegoat?
Ortodoxos invadiram missa onde participavam católicos LGBT
Conscience reveals to LGBTQ people who we really are
Bible et homosexualité, clés de lecture
Humility: a loser’s virtue, the route to reality, or both?
The Nothingness of Death
Signs of Change: The Bible’s Evolution of Divine Nonviolence (Book Review)
On Natural Law and Conscience
Interview with Wisdom Ways
Andrew Sullivan’s The Dishcast
“La homosexualidad no es un pecado”: James Alison, sacerdote y activista LGBT
Wholeheartedness – “Being Found at Your Post”
Pope Francis, Decriminalization of Homosexuality, and the Question of “Sin”
Uma atualização quanto à adunação
Homily for Palm Sunday
Viver o Magnificat
Um ensaio pessoal sobre como a vida gay moldou a relação com Deus e os estudos teológicos
Synodality and Truthfulness: The Workings of a Sideways God
Como reconhecer uma birra
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