James Alison Theology
How to recognize a tantrum
Anatomía de un berrinche
La sabiduría de Dios, el aprendizaje sobre la gente LGTBQ+
People in the Church: Conversation with Fr James Alison
То, что Папа Франциск поддерживает однополые союзы — не новость, но это всё равно важно
Pope Francis backing same-sex unions isn’t a surprise. But it’s still a big deal
The dangerousness of the good
Algunas reflexiones sobre las frases “objetivamente desordenado” e “intrínsecamente desordenado (o malo)” en el discurso actual de la Iglesia con referencia a asuntos LGTB
Quelques notes pour une lecture girardienne du Livre de l’Apocalypse
Devenir vivant en Christ
Some musings concerning the phrases “objectively disordered” and “intrinsically disordered (or evil)” in current Church discourse regarding LGBT issues
Brought to life by Christ
Facing down the wolf: a gay priest’s vocation
Gay, Grace & René Girard: Inverse podcast
Queerology podcast
Una Iglesia que acoja a los homosexuales
Some notes for a Girardian reading of the Book of Revelation
On how Pope Francis is changing the Church
Des notes pour une lecture girardienne du livre de l’Apocalypse
The story behind the phone call from the Pope
Connaître Jésus – lancement du livre
Gay priest James Alison says “Deal With It”
Francisco, a James Alison: “Quiero que camines con plena libertad interior”
‘This is Pope Francis calling…’
Clericalism and the Violent Sacred: dipping a Girardian toe in troubled waters
No Armário do Vaticano: poder, homossexualidade e hipocrisia
Palestra sobre a obra “No Armário do Vaticano”
James Alison, el sacerdote testigo de la homosexualidad en la Iglesia Católica
Stretching Girard’s hypothesis: road marks for a long-term perspective
The unexpected shape of forgiveness
Bienvenido a mi mundo…! (notas sobre la recepción de un bombazo)
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