Tag: 2006
Holy Week Sermons
All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Atlanta, Georgia (10 – 12 April 2006) Monday Isaiah 42:1-9, John 12:1-11 I want to say how very honoured I am that you should trust me enough to allow me into your lives at this sacred time. If Lent is like a long drawn out visit to the dentist, Holy Week is…
Mark Tully in conversation with James Alison
BBC Radio 4, Something Understood, Christmas Eve 2006 MT – There is a very real danger, I believe, in the many ways Jesus is described now. It’s the danger that they lead us to believe that the churches’ traditional way of seeing Jesus is totally out of date, rendered unsustainable by modern knowledge. James Alison is…
Sacrifice, Law and the Catholic Faith: is secularity really the enemy?
The Tablet Lecture 2006 I would like to start by thanking you, Catherine, and with you the board of Directors of the Tablet, for having invited me to give this lecture, and for having given me a free hand as to choice of subject. I was more surprised than I can say, more honoured than you…
Discipleship and the shape of belonging
Talk for Conference on Discipleship and the City (Villanova University, 3-5 October 2006) In addition to being highly honoured that you should have invited me to take part with you in this discussion of Discipleship and the City, I would like to say that I am personally both very grateful for the opportunity, and not…
Living the Magnificat
God persists in gifting us with that tension, that sense of more than one centre of gravity as a relief and freedom from the consequences of our own monistic, univocal, and frightened visions of what is acceptable.
Violence undone
An interview Violence undone: James Alison on Jesus as forgiving victim was published by The Christian Century and is available on the Religion Online website.
Dealing with the clobber texts
A talk at the Greenbet Festival, August 2006 Does the Bible have anything at all to say about homosexuality? Reading texts through the eyes of the Attorney for the Defence (and what else is a “Paraclete?”) will give us the outline of reasonable doubt. Stream and download See also the Exploring the New Testament clobber…
Wrath and the gay question: on not being afraid, and its ecclesial shape
This talk was originally prepared for the Salisbury Diocese Clergy Conference at Swanwick (4-7 July 2006) with a view to its later presentation at Mount St Agnes Theological Center for Women, Baltimore (11 October 2006) I’d like to start by comparing two stories. The second, just to show catholicity of taste, and in case there…
An Atonement Update
Rather than invoke the idea of sacrifice as something God demands of us, by becoming the victim in our place Christ puts an end once and for all to the human insistence for sacrificial victims.
Is it ethical to be Catholic? – Queer perspectives
This talk represents James Alison’s participation in a panel discussion for LGBT people in Most Holy Redeemer Parish Church, San Francisco, 12 February 2006. The title “Is it ethical to be Catholic?” was given by the hosting group based at the University of San Francisco. James was invited to represent a positive answer to the question in…
Blindsided by God: Reconciliation from the underside
Presentation for “Anatomy of Reconciliation” Conference, Trinity Institute, New York City, 30 January – 1 Feb 2006 One of the greatest moments that I know in all cinema is the ballet set to the music of Ponchielli’s “Dance of the Hours” in Walt Disney’s 1940 film “Fantasia”. I ask you to remember the scene. Ostriches…