Author: admin
Homilies (Year C)
In 2020, James started Praying Eucharistically, a project exploring the ways of worshipping and Christian living in the Covid lockdown. For this project, he provides the appropriate liturgical texts for people celebrating at home. He offers Gospel readings and homilies in video format for Sundays and the main festivities of the liturgical year. All videos can be…
No More Special Pleading: How Opening Up to LGBTQ+ Reality Flows Organically from Basic Christianity
At St Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral in Seattle, US, James Alison presented a project he’s been working on for several years—a book, provisionally titled You Can… If You Want To, to be published in 2025, which aims to empower Christians to move on, in good faith, regarding LGBTQ+ issues. The narrative that Christianity itself demands the condemnation of LGBTQ+ lives…
En quoi le christianisme est-il bon pour moi, pour la société, pour la planète ?
La série complète d’interviews Je suis très content de dire, maintenant que j’ai atteint l’âge de 65 ans, que c’est la joie de la vérité qui m’a donné la foi chrétienne. Cela a été un chemin un peu ardu, mais j’ai pu comprendre, grâce à l’arrivée du Christ parmi nous, l’immense joie de découvrir qu’il…
Forthcoming event: No More Special Pleading. Openness to LGBT people and their issues is basic to Christianity
James has written an important new book on this topic which shapes the profile of ‘being Christian’ today. In four sessions, he will look at the main themes of the book called You Can, If You Want To. They will include finding our way into the heart of basic Christianity through the traditional Christian account…
Homilies (Year B)
In 2020, James started Praying Eucharistically, a project exploring the ways of worshipping and Christian living in the Covid lockdown. For this project, he provides the appropriate liturgical texts for people celebrating at home. He offers Gospel readings and homilies in video format for Sundays and the main festivities of the liturgical year. All videos can be…
Spirit, Witness, and Learning: Fiducia Supplicans and the LGBT endgame in the Catholic Church Spirit, Witness, and Learning:
We aren’t there yet, but the presence of people who are able in good conscience, and without fear to stand up, to bear witness to their lives in Christ, and to say that they do so as gay or lesbian people themselves, is the vital sign of what is to come next.
Catholicity, Sacrifice, and Shame: Subverting Polarization in Our Contemporary Ecclesial and Political Cultures
How do we, who know that God’s glory showed itself among us by being lifted up in shame, find the grace to live with our shame uncovered such that we are not inclined to shame others?
LGBT, the Church and the new rules of the game
By reaffirming traditional teaching on marriage, but insisting that same-sex couples are “blessable” rather than “contemptible”, Pope Francis has opened a way forward that will allow LGBT Catholics to be listened to on their own terms while maintaining the unity of the Church. Published by The Tablet, 4 January 2024 MY HEART SANK on hearing of…
“Sodomy” and “Homosexuality” Are Not Biblical Sins
One of my jobs as a priest is to help people discern which of the acts they have done (or might do) are genuinely sins―and which are not really sins, even though they might think they are. Priests do this so that people can participate in being forgiven when they have genuinely done something wrong…
What is scapegoating? Why Gay Catholic priest James Alison spent years learning why people target minorities
At the age of nine, Catholic priest and scholar James Alison realised two things. The first was that he was gay. The second was that his life would never be the same. “I did know immediately that basically, I was lost,” he tells ABC RN’s Soul Search. “I was afloat on a sea with no port.…
Homilies (Year A)
n 2020, James started Praying Eucharistically, a project exploring the ways of worshipping and Christian living in the Covid lockdown. For this project, he provides the appropriate liturgical texts for people celebrating at home and offers Gospel readings and homilies in video format for Sundays and the main festivities of the liturgical year.
What does radical inclusion really mean for a modern synodal Church
The James Alison Forum, What does radical inclusion really mean for a modern synodal Church, on 27 September 2023 was organised by the Catalyst for Renewal in St Aloysius’ College Kirribilli, Sydney. It was moderated by Geraldine Doogue and assisted by Finn Stannard. The word of the night was “talkability”. If an idea has talkability the issue can be explored,…
Why do we scapegoat?
James Alison says scapegoating is one of our oldest social behaviours. But casting someone out to maintain group cohesion has its obvious drawbacks — particularly for the person taking the fall! As a gay Catholic priest, Dr Alison was drawn to the work of French polymath René Girard, who proposed that scapegoating is not the…
Ortodoxos invadiram missa onde participavam católicos LGBT
James está comentando:
Conscience reveals to LGBTQ people who we really are
Published by Outreach, an LGBTQ Catholic resource, on 26 July 2023 In text messages released this past May, the former Fox News host Tucker Carlson described watching an online video of some Trump supporters beating a protestor, around the time of the January 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. “It was three against one, at least……
Bible et homosexualité, clés de lecture
Voici des petites questions introductoires posées à James Alison avant ses conférences récents donnés à Paris, sur les textes bibliques souvent mal interprétés contre les personnes LGBT. Les vidéos des conférences mêmes sont en préparation, et seront lancés en bref par Reconnaissance Appel.
Humility: a loser’s virtue, the route to reality, or both?
Humility will make of gratefully perceived sameness the source of endlessly peaceful diversity. Because our bodies are genuinely different – by place and date of birth and many other specificities, but our pattern of desire is the same.
The Nothingness of Death
The death of Christ as analogy of the “nothing” that makes a difference.
Signs of Change: The Bible’s Evolution of Divine Nonviolence (Book Review)
Tony Bartlett’s long-awaited new book is a major advance in understanding the almost unimaginable blast from elsewhere which we far too hygienically describe as “Divine Revelation”; and how it can be traced through the books we far too complacently bundle as “Holy Scripture”.
On Natural Law and Conscience
This article was published by Outreach, an LGBTQ Catholic resource On the most recent Outspoken conversation, the Catholic priest, theologian and writer James Alison offered a master class on the theology of natural law and conscience, two topics of interest to all Catholics, but especially for LGBTQ Catholics, who often find themselves confronting arguments that use…
Interview with Wisdom Ways
An hour-long interview with Wisdom Ways ministry
Andrew Sullivan’s The Dishcast
Author, editor and blogger Andrew Sullivan is talking to James about his life, faith, sexuality, Church and all in between.
“La homosexualidad no es un pecado”: James Alison, sacerdote y activista LGBT
A propósito de una reciente declaración del papa Francisco, el sacerdote católico James Alison explicó que Dios no odia la diversidad sexual y que esta idea es consecuencia lógica de una correcta interpretación de la enseñanza cristiana.
Wholeheartedness – “Being Found at Your Post”
I remember being convinced that I had a vocation, but that was long before I was able to question how much of my conviction was self-importance and a need to be special. Years of peeling away and undoing would be required if ever I were to fall into the hands of the living God.
Pope Francis, Decriminalization of Homosexuality, and the Question of “Sin”
His point, Francis said, was to insist on decriminalization. And of course, as Pope, he upholds the normal teaching about the sinfulness of sexual acts outside marriage (irrespective of orientation), with all the usual caveats that are necessary concerning different circumstances, and occasions when there may be no culpability at all―but chief among all of…
Uma atualização quanto à adunação
Tradução de Pedro Sette-Câmara. English Nota do tradutor: em inglês, a palavra atonement faz parte da língua corrente, sendo inclusive o título de um famoso romance de Ian McEwan. Em português, ela costuma ser traduzida como “expiação”, mas a ideia de to atone for one’s sins é um pouco distinta da ideia de “expiar os pecados” ou, na fala popular,…
Homily for Palm Sunday
In 2020, James Alison started a project exploring the ways of worshipping and Christian living in the Covid-related lockdown. For this project, he records Gospel readings and homilies for Sundays and main festivities of the liturgical year.
Viver o Magnificat
Deus segue nos doando essa tensão, esse sentido de mais de um centro de gravidade como um alívio e uma liberdade das nossas próprias visões monísticas, unívocas, e assustadas do que é aceitável.
Um ensaio pessoal sobre como a vida gay moldou a relação com Deus e os estudos teológicos
Este ensaio de Alison é um testamento da relação entre as experiências de um amor homoafetivo e a descoberta da beleza do Evangelho. Esta sua história permite termos uma visão pessoal de como amar pessoas particulares em momentos particulares pode transformar o nosso coração para Deus. As descrições feitas da vergonha sentida e das perdas…
Synodality and Truthfulness: The Workings of a Sideways God
Webinar lecture in the “What Next?” series for Aquinas Center, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA given on Wed 24 August 2022.
Como reconhecer uma birra
O responsum da Doutrina da Fé parece seguir o modelo birrento da educatio interrupta rabugenta. Alegra-me muito que muitos católicos estejam aprendendo a se esquivar das birras.