Author: admin

  • How to recognize a tantrum

    So many Catholics are dodging the tantrum and hewing to Our Lord. The responsum is unlikely to dissuade us from blessing God as we find God blessing us.

  • Anatomía de un berrinche

    Publicado por Religión Digital bajo el título, James Alison: “El responsum de la CDF parece seguir realmente el modelo ‘berrinche’ de la educatio interrupta caprichosa”. También disponible en inglés, francés e português. Imagínate que alguien se encierra deliberadamente en un cuarto pequeño. Luego hace saber que no puede conversar sobre algo contigo… porque se encuentra…

  • La sabiduría de Dios, el aprendizaje sobre la gente LGTBQ+

    En esta presentación James presenta la sabiduría divina como el eslabón perdido entre las malas comprensiones del sacrificio de Cristo y nuestra capacidad de aprender, de manera penitencial y horizontal, la realidad de la gente LGBTQI+ como parte de la inteligibilidad de lo real, emanada del Creador.

  • То, что Папа Франциск поддерживает однополые союзы — не новость, но это всё равно важно

    Мне кажется, англоговорящий мир с его просвещенными протестантскими представлениями о том, как работают религиозные учения, не совсем понимает почему разговор об ЛГБТ в Католической церкви развивается так, как развивается. Здесь на карту не поставлена доктрина. Дело не касается вероучения. Этот вопрос не представляет угрозу форме нашего спасения. У нас нет настоящих сомнений о кажущихся враждебными…

  • Pope Francis backing same-sex unions isn’t a surprise. But it’s still a big deal

    There are no major points of doctrine at stake, nothing in the Creeds, putting at risk the shape of our salvation. And there are no real scruples about the apparently hostile Biblical texts since fundamentalist readings are in any case officially disapproved by Church authority.

  • The dangerousness of the good

    The word “Christian” has been sullied. It is no longer the adjective it should be, describing a series of attitudes and ways of being reminiscent of Christ, but a noun which carries with it a fake claim to righteousness, a pretext for freedom from social and legal responsibility, a justification for harsh positions unsubmitted to…

  • Algunas reflexiones sobre las frases “objetivamente desordenado” e “intrínsecamente desordenado (o malo)” en el discurso actual de la Iglesia con referencia a asuntos LGTB

    Si no puedes convencer a la gente homosexual que el sexo homosexual es automáticamente equivocado porque no son personas realmente homosexuales, y por esto no estarían actuando según su naturaleza, entonces has fracasado en mantener la prohibición.

  • Quelques notes pour une lecture girardienne du Livre de l’Apocalypse

    La pensée théologique est une réflexion lente… C’est beaucoup plus comme chercher intuitivement son chemin dans une nouvelle relation que faire toute la lumière sur une nouvelle définition. Et c’est là que, pour moi, la perspicacité de René Girard est si utile, tant en matière de méthode que de contenu. Je vais essayer de montrer…

  • Devenir vivant en Christ

    Il s’avère que mon avis n’a que peu d’importance. Ce qui est important, c’est de savoir qui a changé mon avis. Le grand Qui et les nombreux Qui et Quoi secondaires que nous représentons tous les uns pour les autres dans nos interactions sur terre.

  • Some musings concerning the phrases “objectively disordered” and “intrinsically disordered (or evil)” in current Church discourse regarding LGBT issues

    Unless you can convince gay people that gay sex is automatically wrong because they aren’t really gay, and therefore aren’t acting according to their real nature, you have failed to maintain the prohibition.

  • Brought to life by Christ

    As it turns out, my mind is of little importance. What is important is who has changed my mind. Both the big Who and the many, many secondary whos and whats we all represent for each other.

  • Facing down the wolf: a gay priest’s vocation

    Lies and violence in the heart of family and church life. That’s where my testimony begins. For whatever reason of God’s own, I have received the formal commission to live this reality as a priest… failure is one of grace’s preferred building sites.

  • Gay, Grace & René Girard: Inverse podcast

    James Alison is interviewed by Jarod McKenna based in Perth, Australia, for the Inverse podcast.

  • Queerology podcast

    James discusses his faith journey, René Girard and mimetic theory, the scapegoat mechanism, Sacred (or Holy) vs. Mysticism (or Mythification) of Divine as churches crumble, intelligence of victim, and grace and growth.

  • Una Iglesia que acoja a los homosexuales

    Entrevista con James Alison, realizada en Noviembre de 2019 en Santiago de Chile, y publicada en marzo de 2020 en la Revista Mensaje, de los Jesuitas de Chile.

  • Some notes for a Girardian reading of the Book of Revelation

    Theological thinking is slow thinking… It is much more like feeling your way into a new relationship than it is achieving clarity about a new definition. And it is here that I think René Girard’s insight is so helpful, both as to method and as to content.

  • On how Pope Francis is changing the Church

    The real joy of the gospel is found in groups of sinners who sit lightly to their sins, know they are loved, and long to love better starting from where they are.

  • Des notes pour une lecture girardienne du livre de l’Apocalypse

    Des notes pour une lecture girardienne du livre de l’Apocalypse (audio) Festival La philo éclaire la ville “Et si c’était la fin des temps ?”

  • The story behind the phone call from the Pope

    I was being stretched by the tiniest glimpse of something true received, already, in my early adolescence: that ultimately the Catholic faith would embrace and include the gay heart; that the two held together give glory to God; and that it is better to die than to let go of that.

  • Connaître Jésus – lancement du livre

    Des vidéos sont disponibles sur le site de L’association Recherches Mimétiques: 1 | 2 La publication en France du livre de James Alison «Connaître Jésus» est l’occasion de faire connaître et de mettre en débat l’ensemble de son œuvre, l’une des contributions les plus importantes à l’élaboration d’une théologie tirant pleinement parti de l’anthropologie mimétique de…

  • Gay priest James Alison says “Deal With It”

    Vine and Fig podcast co-founder Pat Gothman and his fiancé Jacob Flores interview James Alison about his phone call with Pope Francis, what he thinks Pope Francis wants to happen in the Church on LGBTQ issues, why the gay issue is more an emotional issue for the Church than a theological one, the unique spiritual…

  • Francisco, a James Alison: “Quiero que camines con plena libertad interior”

    En su libro Sodoma, éxito internacional de ventas, Frédéric Martel revela que hace un par de años el Papa Francisco llamó por teléfono a un destacado sacerdote y teólogo gay a quien le habían prohibido desde el Vaticano enseñar, predicar o presidir los sacramentos. Pedimos al sacerdote que nos diera su versión de los hechos.…

  • ‘This is Pope Francis calling…’

    Canonically, it makes no sense at all, but … he does these things!

  • Clericalism and the Violent Sacred: dipping a Girardian toe in troubled waters

    When Paul urges his listeners to become his imitators in offering himself up as sacrifice, just as Paul imitates Christ; or Peter tells his that they are living stones of the long-awaited New Temple: both take for granted that to be in Christ is a fundamentally priestly form of life.

  • No Armário do Vaticano: poder, homossexualidade e hipocrisia

    Então, o outro sapato finalmente caiu. O véu foi removido daquilo que os franceses chamam, gloriosamente, de “Segredo de Polichinelo” – um segredo que não é segredo, escancarado, pois “todo mundo conhece”, mas para o qual as evidências se fazem esquivas e nunca são realmente procuradas. O meramente anedótico adquire, finalmente, contornos de visibilidade sociológica.…

  • Palestra sobre a obra “No Armário do Vaticano”

    “Por trás da rigidez há sempre qualquer coisa escondida: em numerosos casos, uma vida dupla.” Ao pronunciar estas palavras, o papa Francisco tornou público um segredo que esta investigação vertiginosa explora, pela primeira vez, com grande detalhe. “No Armário do Vaticano” expõe a decadência no coração do Vaticano e na Igreja Católica atual. Um trabalho…

  • Stretching Girard’s hypothesis: road marks for a long-term perspective

    What might those who follow the thought of René Girard have to offer to those currently excavating Çatalhöyük and Göbekli Tepe in Turkey?

  • The unexpected shape of forgiveness

    One can, and some do, read Martel’s book as an accusation against the world of systemic mendacity which it reveals. For my part, I read it as one of the events which signal that God’s forgiveness is at last reaching even the hardest-hearted parts of our Church.

  • Bienvenido a mi mundo…! (notas sobre la recepción de un bombazo)

    ¡No hubo manera de evitarlo! Por fin estalló. Se ha arrancado el velo a lo que en Francia se llama, con gracia, un “secret de Polichinelle” – un secreto a voces: algo que todo el mundo sabe, pero con una evidencia fugaz y a lo que tampoco se presta demasiada atención. Lo que era meramente…