Tag: 2009
The Fulcrum of Discovery or: how the “gay thing” is good news for the Catholic Church
Slightly different versions of this talk were given as the 16th Annual Christopher F. Mooney S.J. Lecture on Religion, Church and Society, Fairfield University, Fairfield CT on 22 September 2009, as a presentation for the Catholic Association of Lesbian and Gay Ministries (CALGM) at their annual conference held in Las Vegas NV, from 24-27 September…
Brokeheart Mountain: Reflections on monotheism, idolatry and the Kingdom
A presentation for the annual COV&R Conference held in St Mary’s University, Twickenham, London, 8-12 July 2009. This talk was given as part of a day of discussion with distinguished Muslim scholars concerning the “fearful symmetries” between Christianity and Islam. Deutsch In August 2006, I had the pleasure of visiting the Holy Land as part…
What sorts of difference does René Girard make to how we read the Bible?
Presentation for the 2009 Theology and Peace Conference, a gathering of lay people and clergy from many different denominations who are interested in furthering the impact of Girard’s thought through their preaching, teaching and pastoral practice, Chicago, 26 May 2009 I’d like to take us into this question by way of John 5. So imagine…
The Priestly pattern of Creation and a fraudulent reading of St Paul: a Catholic reads some Pauline texts in the light of Mimetic Theory
A contribution to the Colloquium Saint Paul: Apocalypse et révélation at the Villa Bonaparte and the Villa Medici, Rome, 27-28 March 2009. PDF
The pain and the endgame: reflections on a whimper
Dear C. You wrote to me to say how overwhelmed you were with the various incidents in the public domain relating to being Catholic and gay which piled up over the last few weeks of 2008, and wondered if I had anything to say. I asked you for some time, since I too have found…
Prayer: A case study in mimetic anthropology
The following is the tentative text of one of the twelve sessions of The Forgiving Victim – the Adult Introduction to Christianity on which I am currently at work. Deutsch | Português 1. Introduction One of the strangest features of that weirdly under-religious collection of texts known as the New Testament is how little there is in…