Tag: 2014

  • Biography and interview on the LGBT Religious Archives Network website

    James’ biography and interview (audio and text) on the LGBT Religious Archives Network website (2014)

  • Not peace but a sword

    A radio programme of the Australian broadcaster RN featuring James Alison and other guests in a discussion of religion and violence, 22 November 2014 (stream, download and transcript)

  • Traversing hostility: the sine qua non of any Christian talk about Atonement

    Presentation for the Colloquium ‘For Us and for Our Salvation: René Girard and the Doctrine of Atonement’, held at Heythrop College, London (7-8 November 2014) 1. Recovering Our Lord’s account of His Atonement In each of the three Synoptic Gospels, Jesus teaches the parable which we know as that of the “Wicked Tenants” or the “Murderous…

  • Towards global inclusion of LGBT people within Catholic communities: a new theological approach

    Presentation for “The ways of Love”, an International Conference towards pastoral care with homosexual and trans people (Rome, Italy, October 3, 2014). Also available in Italian. Introduction I’d like to ask you to join me as we imagine ourselves as participants in a familiar scene from Scripture. The scene is from Acts 10, but imagined from…

  • Interview for the Sunday Nights radio programme

    Interview for Sunday Nights programme of ABC Local Radio, Australia (stream and MP3 download)

  • Renewing the Tradition

    James’ profile by Grant Kaplan, an associate professor of systematic theology at Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Mo., published by the America magazine. Renewing the Tradition: The theological project of James Alison Same in PDF (pp. 25-27). An interview recorded by Prof. Grant Kaplan:

  • Sermon for the Fifth Sunday of Lent

    Sermon for the Fifth Sunday of Lent (Lazarus) given at St Leo’s Parish, Tacoma, USA on 6 April 2014 [streaming].