Tag: 2007
Exploring the New Testament clobber texts
Following on from dealing with the Old Testament clobber texts at Greenbelt Festival in the previous year, James explores what the New Testament has to say about homosexuality. Stream and download
Advent and Christmas lectionary meditations
These lectionary meditations are slightly edited versions of the texts written for, and published by, The Christian Century magazine for each of the six Sundays between 1st Sunday of Advent (2 December 2007) and Epiphany (6 January 2008). Following the normal practice of The Christian Century the readings which underpin these meditations are those of the Revised Common Lectionary…
Love your enemy: within a divided self
The second lecture in the Autumn Education Programme given at St Martin-in-the Fields Church, Trafalgar Square, London on 30 October 2007. “Love your enemy” was the overall title for the series, and other lectures, given by other presenters, included the titles “within a divided Church”, “within a divided world” and “within a divided community”. I hope…
“He opened up to them everything in the Scriptures concerning himself” (Lk 24, 27b): How can we recover Christological and Ecclesial habits of Catholic Bible Reading?
Lecture for the “Voices of Renewal” lecture series at Corpus Christi University Parish, Toledo, Ohio, 9 October 2007. Castellano I propose to do two things with you this evening. The first is to read a passage of Scripture, in the rich sense of “offering a reading” of it. And the second, if time and your…
Strong protagonism and weak presence: the changes in tone of the voice of God
A contribution to the Second Colloquium entitled “Post-modern or post-secular Christianity? Two interpretations of late modernity” which took place at the Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, on the 5th and 6th of September 2007. Castellano It’s the little words which always take you by surprise. For example, think of the word “so”. We are used to…
Stand up & be godless: on receiving the gift
A talk at the Greenbelt Festival, August 2007 Is the gift of faith just a form of emotional blackmail, or something that can set us free? Stream and download
God and desire
Presentation for the 2007 Quest Conference, Sheffield (England), 21 July 2007. There’s a lovely Italian word to which I’d like to introduce you so as to lead in to this presentation. The word is “Rovesciamento” and it means something rather like “turning everything upside down”. It goes quite well towards describing what happens at the end of…
How do we talk about the Spirit?
London Centre for Spirituality, 13 May 2007. [Transcription] “How do we talk about the Spirit?” – was a day of ecumenical discussion and exploration, seeking deeper understanding of the many meanings underlying our use of the word ‘spirit’. Organised by Brenda Wall, Judith Smith and others from the Quaker Retreat Group, it brought participants into…
Finding a narrative
Homily for BBC Radio 4 Sunday Worship (29 April 2007) recorded at Most Holy Redeemer parish, San Francisco, 22 October 2006 (Unabridged). Gospel: Matthew 9, 10-13 And as he sat at table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with Jesus and his disciples. And when the Pharisees saw this,…
The shape of daring imagination: coming out and coming home
Sixth National Symposium on Catholicism and Homosexuality (Minneapolis, USA, March 2007) Listen to on SoundCloud In this transcription, ‘…’ indicates a pause, not a cut or an edit We started to look this morning at what it is like to be scandalised, and the beginnings of moving beyond scandal. And I’d like to go back…
Navigating uncharted waters: the gift of faith and growing up LGBT
Sixth National Symposium on Catholicism and Homosexuality (Minneapolis, USA, March 2007) Listen to on SoundCloud Please note that in this transcription, ‘…’ indicates a pause, not a cut or an edit The first point which I’d like to make, in a sense, is a big sigh of relief. And the sigh of relief is as…
On helping the Faithful negotiate confusion
A very slightly edited version of James Alison’s contribution to a debate about the Westminster Mass, a pastoral care initiative for LGBT Catholics. The Tablet, 3 March 2007. In February 2006 Pope Benedict addressed the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith [1]. Setting out the vision which should inspire their work and the permissions necessary to do that work,…
Taking the Plunge: Immersed in Theology
The article was published by The Christian Century and is available for a small fee. One of the privileges of studying theology within the clerical formation programs of the Catholic Church is that you get to study philosophy first. For at least three years. This can seem interesting and exciting when you’re immersed in it—it certainly…
“Like children sitting in the market place”: a teaching on Wisdom, vanity and desire
Third William H. Shannon Lecture delivered under the title “Don’t run away from desire: holiness starting where you are”. Nazareth College, Rochester, NY, 8 February 2007 Imagine yourselves, please, in a dusty market square in the Middle East. Children are playing. They are involved in a traditional game of “Weddings and Funerals”. In this game the boys…