Tag: 2003

  • Worship in a violent world

    What it is that allows Christians to use a horrid word taken from the world of violence such as “worship”; what we mean by it when we do use it; and what indeed do we do that counts as “worship”.

  • Following the still small voice: experience, truth and argument as lived by Catholics around the gay issue

    A lecture given in Boston College on 18th November 2003. [*] It is a very great honour for me to have been asked to address you this evening as part of this pioneering space for discussion in your University and our Church. It is an ever greater honour that any of you should turn out to participate…

  • Honesty as challenge, honesty as gift: what way forward for gay and lesbian Catholics?

    A talk for Fordham University Catholic Chaplaincy, 11 November 2003. This evening I would like to talk with you about honesty, not as about something obvious, but as about something problematic. This is not merely because it is difficult for me to be honest – and it is as difficult for me as for anyone…

  • Yes, but is it true…?

    The Roman Catholic Caucus of the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement held a meeting in St Anne’s Church, Soho on Sunday 3rd August 2003 to respond to the UK government’s proposals concerning same-sex partnership rights. The following was an impromptu theological/pastoral contribution by James Alison, put into writing after the event. Thank you for inviting…

  • Contemplation and monotheism: on the indispensability of irrelevance

    Talk for the Julian Fest, of the Order of Julian of Norwich, held at Schoenstatt Retreat Center, Waukesha, Wisconsin, on 10 May 2003. Castellano | Deutsch What I would like to do today is to honour my compatriot, Julian of Norwich, by attempting to boost something which was dear to her heart: contemplation. I want to do…