Tag: 2013

  • Monotheism and idolatry: preface to a conversation

    Monotheism and idolatry: preface to a conversation

    Presentation for the Colloquium on Mimetic Theory and Islam (Heythrop College, University of London, 5-7 November 2013) Introduction Some privileges are fairly useless. For instance, the privilege of the foreigner’s insight. As a professional foreigner, I have this in spades, for I’ve lived in several countries other than my country of birth, and indeed live…

  • We didn’t invent sacrifice, sacrifice invented us: unpacking Girard’s insight

    We didn’t invent sacrifice, sacrifice invented us: unpacking Girard’s insight

    A contribution to the International Theological Journal “Concilium” 2013(4) on the Ambivalence of Sacrifice. Also available in Italian. 1. The insight Over the last fifty years René Girard has developed a single anthropological insight, through rigorous engagement with a multitude of disciplines, into a long argument about the origin of culture. The single insight, sometimes called…

  • Exploring the new paradigm: Girard and the Christianity of the 21st century

    Exploring the new paradigm: Girard and the Christianity of the 21st century [PDF] The transcript of the session with Brian McLaren and James Alison recorded at the 2013 Colloquium on Violence and Religion held at the University of Northern Iowa, USA.

  • Lent 2013 Lectionary meditations

    Lent 2013 Lectionary meditations

    The Christian Century Magazine has generously allowed us to post James’ Lent 2013 Lectionary meditations (PDF), written especially for them. Christian Century is, among many other things, a source of lectionary meditations throughout the year. Please give them kudos for allowing us to show something that is normally behind a paywall.