On Being Liked

The publisher wrote: On Being Liked is the transforming and joyful sequel to Faith Beyond Resentment: Fragments Catholic and Gay, which established the Catholic priest and writer James Alison as one of the most striking, original and intellectually irresistible voices in the church. Alison invites us to let go of a commonly-held account of salvation that is nonsensical, scandalous and damaging. He takes us step-by-step through a bold adventure of re-imagining the central axis of the Christian story, not as ‘How does God deal with sin?’ but as ‘How do we take up God’s invitation to share in the act of creation?’ All the while, to our growing astonishment and wonder, we discover ourselves as liked – not only loved – in the eyes of God.

Excerpts: Contemplation in a world of violence: Girard, Merton, Tolle; Unbinding the gay conscience

James Alison’s books are available from many bookshops selling theological titles and any good bookshop will be able to order a copy for you.

London: DLT, 2003 (ISBN 023252517X) ● New York: Crossroad, 2004 (ISBN 0824522613)